Friday, May 22, 2009


Dearest Morrissey,

You have been the most influential figure in my life. You have all the qualities of a true worldly icon- genius, beauty, style, intelligence, grace, humility, well timed aggressive delivery, recognition of past influences, brilliance, poet, savior, voice, etc.... Your life is yours and rightly only yours, but has positively impacted so many, including my own. 50 years is infancy for you. Your meaning and words and life do and will always stand as immortal. Thank you for all you have given to my mind, body, soul and emotional being. Words will never due justice of your worth to humanity. Those who have yet to be graced by your godliness, may they soon see the light. Here's to you and the hope of seeing you again soon, even if only from standing room only floor space. I hold my glass up high and cheers in your honor!

May your best wishes be fulfilled,

Your fan of many fans, Jay

I found this letter and loved every pice of it;

When I turned 40, I wanted to hide, and well, now, 50 seems so natural. Like it’s not a big deal. After it hit me, the big 4-0.But you, Morrissey, my baby, well I’d like to say 50 - Mmmmm. You don’t look it. By no means. No way. No how. Nope, as a matter of fact, you look like you are in your thirties.Because the world we live in, it’s sooo shallow, superficial, which is why I mention it. Isn’t it ... But to me, and I’m not speaking for the world, which is so shallow. To me ... I love you no matter what yor age, or what you look like. Whether yor 50, 68, 75, 52, 99. Because I love "you", the whole package.The fact that yor beautiful and skinny at 50. Well, these are just the facts. You are, yep. But, even if you looked old, like soooo many other singers in their 40s and 50s, then I’d say it. But you don't -- you look drop dead gorgeous. Because, I am a no nonsense type of a person. I say the truth. I keep it real.But you have to understand something, you, you ... Well, when I first encountered The Smiths in college in the mid to late 80s and then when my first bf who gave me Louder Than Bombs, and then my first supervisor at my first job who I told I loved Girlfriend in a Coma to, well he made me his own compilation with Girlfriend in a Coma. I never even knew what you looked like, not really, ya know. So this was years that I loved you, before, BEFORE I knew what you "really" looked like (in specifications). So, if I saw you in the streets in the 80s, I wouldn’t have known “that’s Morrissey “. Or Johnny Marr for that matter. I loved you before I knew what you looked like. Bottom line.I don’t know why after all these years, I started to see you in a different light. Rewind -- actually, I do. And in a different way, ways. And then, at PA, NJ, ... and most importantly ... that casino in Mashantucket. Foxwoods. Oh - My - God.I have something else to say. “I”, I did mean all of those syrupy, sentimental, things, that, I said... Mmmmm Hmmmm all of my messages from around 2000. And ... Yesterrrrdaaaay. Isn’t it.And after all these years, I still do. That’s right, and it’ll continue. I keep my word.Thanks for always being there for me. I’ll always be here for you. Every little surprise you gave me, well I want you to know ... none of them were unnoticed. They meant everything to me, and they still do. This also shall continue. I have this feeling, I can’t explain it, the “connection”.Happy Birthday Baaaay--Beeee. I Love You Sooooo Much.