Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Well Miss. Gold #12

Well Miss. Gold,

Fancy seeing you here. Surprise, surprise... as always, is the sight of the night... How are you?
What would you like to know about Brasil, you beautiful song? Don't tell me you've never been! you should see my face as i said that haha... Every empty soul has been to Brasil (and incidentally, only the uneducated say "Brazil", the hip lingo specialists say "Brasilia", baby.)
What are your favorite films? What's your fave color? Answers on a postcard please.
As for your medical dentist, I just hope it turns out to be pornographic. Why don't you send me a nice photograph? Isn't that what we're supposed to do?
Well, I don't know if you read the music press but if you do, you will know... (Morrissey 'You know him, that singer we both love') said "Am I really so obvious? Yesss..." so MORRISSEY LIKE.....funny!
Thank you for listening. Thank you for standing while you read this. I know how you just hate to sit... but you have to be up for work tomorrow... (no! yes!) You have to be at McDonald's sharp to eat flesh... oh yes!" Thank you for being so kind... Please, don't forget me, don't forget Pres. Bush, don't forget Ophelia, don't forget Jesus, don't forget Bowie, AND PLEASE don't forget Morrissey. I love you!"

-no one in particular, but include, Jay