Friday, April 24, 2009

My dear Lovegrove #20

My dear Lovegrove,

I find that writing these at 2:30 AM on a Saturday night is a good way to make myself laugh manically when I roll out of bed in the morning because i had writen about you and your never ending beauty. But I'm not even a little tired this time. I just ate an insane amount of Mexican food (undoubtedly something I will regret in 20 minutes) and drank a flat Coke it just teats better do you like your coke flat?. I feel like that idiot Joe Rogan; high and annoying. god i hate this brick!
I'm going to kill The Smiths if "GIRL AFRAID" doesn't download. I've had to do it about 5 times now. Morrissey may argue that "The Smiths is Dead". But as that great t-shirt argued "Morrissey is officially a twat".

I've realized recently that despite how hilarious I find them, my obscure 80's references have absolutely no impact on most of the people I know but you well i know where we stand. Maybe I'll stick to the easy ones: Madonna (T_T), The Breakfast Club and AIDs.
I've stopped being not tired. Such a pain in the arse, sleep is. It bothers you with yawns and weary eyelids. Yet once you submit, sleep refuses to come...and then leaves only a few hours after arrival. do you agree?

"Los Angeles, I'm yours." I've always wanted to say that don't ask.

I get strange notions when I'm tired. I often believe I'm much more intelligent than I actually am. Its rather cute. Currently I happen to be wired...being kept active by Hot Fries and Dr. Pepper. I can hear The Creatures playing from somewhere in this room but I can't pinpoint a location i think it's the green winds. My forehead feels stiff. I feel the need to express random thoughts at this very moment, just to steal the virginity of this letter. I watch the sun come up every day. It makes me feel like a poet---like a romantic.
My toes are cold. I have no intention of growing up. I love my posters. His name is Mozzy, and he is named after sex. The sun is rising. I should sleep. But if I did things I should do, I'd be in a much more desirable position.
I like to be lazy---its a pastime of the aesthetes.
Did you notice that all i did was talk about my laziness. I'm sure you can relate to me on this one.

the bed that carries my dreams, Jay