Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I grew up on Bowie and Morrissey and R.E.M, really got me through the hardships of being a teen. Everyone was into Nirvana or 2-pac, Some did not believe that the voice coming out of the speakers was that of Bowie,

I must say I got some people hooked on Bowie..... at the time, but when I went to a party and brought my music, that is all that would be playing all night after people heard it - ended up recording tapes for a lot of people. By the way, china girl was co-written with Iggy Pop and was first released on Iggy's album the Idiot.

Bowie toured playing piano for him but quit after awhile as he said it did not pay enough. Had a photo of Bowie in the background at an Iggy Pop concert....so if Danielle ever wants to get into Bowie I must dig out some classic TAPES and record them oh the lovely 90's and Danielle will live on forever.....