Monday, July 13, 2009


Danielle, delivered in 84' to the world. The best single to ever come out to the public I became a fan from the start. in the collection. Yes, I've bought much of the stuff for the music she loves, but I've also been attracted to both her voice by the talents and her hair.
However.....I reckon my favourite DANIELLE, is a MORRISSEY, DANIELLE. that I have ever seen on my collection.
Danielle can be found on the LP of the same name with MORRISSEY, and was also released as a single in September 1984, climbing to #1 in the charts. It's a girl that I find moving and uplifting in equal measures, and it was a touch of genius to ask DANIELLE, to take the vocal as her voice is that great mix of strength and fragility that holds together a truly amazing piece of work.
Teardrop after teardrop is all I catch myself doing, and she is still released as the best single since MORRISSEY'S SUEDEHEAD reaching #1, and in the process becoming the biggest hit for the world, and indeed for any man that lays eyes on her. A stunning five and a bit minutes of slides along perfectly, and just as you think the vocal has finished and you're into the fade out with the music she comes back at you with a final cry of 'it's tumbling down.....' and then the gorgeous instrumentation begins again.
Oh and of course truly groundbreaking....

your #1 fan, Jay